Spirit week! The week before the big game to get everyone excited and pumped about the upcoming homecoming dance and game! Getting dressed up in different colors, clothes, and having fun is the biggest thing about spirit week. You also get to have a good laugh with friends and peers, it’s fun to see everyone’s creativity and it’s endless to explore! I interviewed senior Brittany Jack to see exactly how important spirit week is for the student body.
What was your favorite day of spirit week?
Jack: “My favorite day of spirit week was U.S.A day because I like to support my country.”
What does it do for the student body?
Jack: “It helps raise spirit and create a sense of community between the students. It also makes students want to come to school to be able to participate in the fun.”
What does spirit week mean to you?
Jack: “Spirit week to me means having fun and dressing up with my friends. It shows the support we have for one another in the school.”