Snow days bring a certain feeling when you wake up and hear school is canceled. You go to the window and see the beautiful white ground with the sky white. It is so breathtaking to see the beauty of the snow that you can’t even describe it, so cold but somehow comforting and magical. You bundle up with your puffy jacket and gloves, hats, and boots to go play and enjoy the snow and then go back inside by a heater or a fireplace for warmth with a warm drink, cookies, and a comforting movie for an enjoyable day. It was the first big snow of the year ‘25 and in Hayesville NC for years. Even though it wasn’t a lot, we were still able to sled and make snowmen. The last big snow we had was in 2017, but we had a small snow in 2020 and 2022. This year we got about 3-4 inches and it lasted until the next Friday night, causing us to lose a week of school.