Journalism Students Examine the Power of Color

Carla Beck, Adviser

As HHS 2021 spring semester began, veteran Journalism students returned to the task of completing the Hayesville High School yearbook, while novice staff members began to learn the basics of the curriculum.  Whether assigned to the online school newspaper staff or the yearbook publication, staff members all rank photography as one of the most popular skills to improve.  The power of color stretches across our culture in multiple areas, with both significance and subtlety.  As HHS Journalism students researched color theory and symbolism, they also practiced their photography and design skills, using to create digital posters representative of color theory elements.  Take a moment to peruse their posters which highlight each student’s original photography.


Whitley Sumpter
Cody Bober
Tommy Urbaniuk
Alexis Price
Olivia Chandler
Hayden Ledford